Naofumi Yamaguchi's Website

Profile and Publications

Naofumi in pothole

Naofumi Yamaguchi ph. D. (Sci.)

Current Position

  • Lecturer
  • Global and Local Environment Co-creation Institute, Ibaraki University
  • E-mail address: naofumi.yamaguchi.sci 'at'

Work Experience

Apr. 2008–Mar. 2009JSPS Predoctoral Fellow at Kyoto University (DC2)
Apr. 2009–Mar. 2010JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at Kyoto University (PD)
Apr. 2010–Mar. 2012Postdoctoral Fellow, Geodynamics Research Group, Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, AIST
Apr. 2012–Mar. 2020Assistant Professor, Center for Water Environment Studies, Ibaraki University
Feb. 2020–Dec. 2020Visiting Researcher, Energy and Environment Institute, University of Hull
Apr. 2020–Mar. 2022Assistant Professor, Global and Local Environment Co-creation Institute, Ibaraki University


Mar. 2004B.E. degree at Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Mar. 2006.M.E. degree at Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Mar. 2009.Ph.D. degree at Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Last update 23 December 2024
  • Yamaguchi, N., Matsuhisa, Y., Sekiguchi, T., Wu, X and Dorrell, R.M. (2024),Threshold for oscillatory-flow ripple initiation on cohesive and non-cohesive mixtures of sand and mud. Coastal Engineering Journal.(article)
  • Yamaguchi, N. (accepted),Separation of grain-size distribution into lognormal distributions using R packages. Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan.(in Japanese with English captions)
  • Kumisaka, K., Yamaguchi, N. and Okazaki, Y. (2024),Fragmentation and separation of diatom valves in modern shallow lake sediments: A case study in Lake Kitaura, Japan. Journal of Paleolimnology, 72, 317–330.(article)
  • Yamaguchi, N., Ando, T., Enokida, H., Nakada, N., Yamaki, S. and Ohta, T. (2024),Logratio analysis of components separated from grain-size distributions and implications for sedimentary processes: an example of bottom surface sediments in a shallow lake. Sedimentology, 71, 1291–1304.(article)
  • Yamaguchi, N. (2023),Validation of appropriate estimation criteria for the number of components for separating a polymodal grain-size distribution into lognormal distributions. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 10, 70.(article)
  • Yamaguchi, N., Taki, T. and Sekiguchi, T (2022),Effect of sediment supply on geometry of wave ripples: preliminary results of flume experiment. Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan, 80, 3–9. (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • Tsuchiya, N., Aoki, A. Uematsu, Y., Toba, M., Yamaguchi, N. and Okamoto,K. (2021),Ecological effects of bioturbation by alien hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria in a sandy tidal flat of Tokyo Bay, Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 87, 11–22.(article) (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • Shinozaki, T., Yamaguchi, N. and Sekiguchi, T. (2020),Flume experiments test grain-size distribution of onshore tsunami deposits, Sedimentary Geology, 407, 105750.(article)
  • Tonai, S., Sato, T. and Yamaguchi, N. (2019), The white cliffs of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk Formations at Flamborough Head, North-east England, Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 125, I–II. (in Japanese with English captions)
  • Yamaguchi, N. (2019), Current progress and future perspectives of the research on tsunami deposits using flume experiments. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 125, 121–136.(article) (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • Yamaguchi, N. (2019), Roundness of ripple crest and its implication for sedimentary process, Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan, 77, 29–38.(article) (in Japanese with English captions)
  • Yamaguchi, N. and Sekiguchi, T. (2018), Sedimentary processes and the distribution of tsunami deposits on a narrow coastal lowland backed by a cliff in flume experiments. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 88, 467–474. (article) (Movie)
  • Tamura, T., Kodama, Y., Bateman, M.D., Saitoh, Y., Yamaguchi, N., Matsumoto, D. (2016), Late Holocene aeolian sedimentation in the Tottori coastal dune field, Japan Sea, affected by the East Asian winter monsoon. Quaternary International, 397, 147–158. (article)
  • Yamaguchi, N. and Sekiguchi, T. (2015), Effects of tsunami magnitude and terrestrial topography on sedimentary processes and distribution of tsunami deposits in flume experiments. Sedimentary Geology, 328, 115–121. (article)
  • Uesawa, S. and Yamaguchi, N. (2014), Quantitative estimation of erosion rate based on tempo-spatial change of coasts composed of volcanic deposit. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 120, 281–285 (in Japanese with English abstract).
  • Yamaguchi, N. and Sekiguchi, T. (2013), Ripples under partially standing waves for different reflection coefficients: a laboratory experiment. Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan, 72, 125–134. (article)
  • Haraguchi, T., Goto, K., Sato, M., Yoshinaga, Y., Yamaguchi, N., and Takahashi, T. (2013), Large bedform generated by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami at Kesennuma Bay, Japan. Marine Geology, 335, 200–205. (article)
  • Yamaguchi, N. (2012), Relationship between advective pore-water exchange at sediment-water interface and wave ripples. Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan, 71, 25–30 (in Japanese).
  • Otsubo, M., Yamaguchi, N., Nomura, S., Kimura, N., Naruse, H. (2011), Basal slip plane of Kurotaki unconformity in the Boranohana area along the Pacific coast of the Boso Peninsula, Central Japan. Island Arc, 20, 305–307.
  • Tamura, T.,Kodama, Y., Bateman, M.D., Saitoh, Y., Watanabe, K., Matsumoto, D., Yamaguchi, N. (2011), Coastal barrier dune deposition related to sea-level highstands in MIS 3 and 5a at Tottori, Japan Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 308, 492–501. (article)
  • Tamura, T., Bateman, M.D., Kodama, Y., Saitoh, Y., Watanabe, K., Yamaguchi, N., Matsumoto, D. (2011), Building of shore-oblique transverse dune ridges revealed by ground-penetrating radar and optical dating over the last 500 years on Tottori coast, Japan Sea. Geomorphology, 132, 153–166. (article)
  • Yamaguchi, N. and Sekiguchi, H. (2011), Variability of wave-induced ripple migration in wave-flume experiments and its implications for sediment transport. Coastal Engineering, 58, 671–677. (article)
  • Yamaguchi, N. and Masuda, F. (2011), Two patterns of three-dimensional grain fabrics corresponding to depositional processes in experimental microdelta deposits using rice grains. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 117, 107–115.
  • Tamura, T., Kodama, Y, Saitoh, Y., Watanabe, K., Yamaguchi, N., and Matsumoto, D. (2010), Ground-penetrating radar profile of the Tottori coastal dunes. The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu), 49, 357–368 (in Japanese with English abstract).
  • Azuma, R., Sekiguchi, H. and Yamaguchi, N., Identification of Sediment routing process in Beach-Dune Systems with consideration of Sedimentary Environments. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Coastal Engineering), 66, 556–560. (in Japanese with English abstract).
  • Yamaguchi, N. and Sekiguchi, H. (2010b), Effects of settling and preferential deposition of sediments on ripple roundness under shoaling waves. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 80, 781–790. (article)
  • Yamaguchi, N. and Sekiguchi, H. (2010a), Effect of velocity hiatuses in oscillatory flow on migration and geometry of ripples: wave-flume experiments. Sedimentology, 57, pp. 720–733. (article)
  • Yamaguchi, N., Sekiguchi, T. and Masuda, F. (2007), Cross-shore ripple variations under laboratory partially standing waves: a possible clue to paleo-wavelength. Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan, No. 64, pp. 15–19. (PDF)